NACU Welcomes Hood College into Consortium

The New American Colleges and Universities (NACU) is proud to announce that Hood College in Frederick, Md., has joined its consortium of private, comprehensive colleges and universities across nation. NACU is a trusted network that brings together progressive thinkers and innovative agents of change across higher education to share ideas and create unique opportunities for its campuses.
Hood College shares many key similarities with its peer institutions in NACU. All are private, comprehensive colleges and universities that are small to medium-sized. Most importantly, their missions align with one another as they integrate liberal arts, professional preparation, and civic engagement to provide an education that empowers students to have successful careers and lead purposeful lives as global citizens.
“Hood’s approach to educating its students is a natural fit for our consortium,” said Sean Creighton, Ph.D., NACU president. “Their emphasis on liberal arts, well-regarded professional programs, and hands-on learning make them a valuable addition to our growing network of institutions. We look forward to having their insight and wisdom as part of our discussions and collaborative efforts.”
NACU campuses honor the legacy of Ernest Boyer who called for higher education and scholarship to be a service to society. To accomplish this, NACU campuses connect students with their communities to ensure they can apply their knowledge beyond the classroom and understand their roles as responsible global citizens. Hood College upholds these values by providing an education that encompasses the curriculum, co-curricular experiences, and experiential learning opportunities.
“Hood College is excited to join NACU, an organization that believes in the power of learning both inside and outside the classroom,” said Andrea E. Chapdelaine, Ph.D., president of Hood College. “We’re excited to partner with our NACU colleagues to serve our collective mission to prepare our students for their professional lives and for their role as engaged citizens.”
Hood College is an independent, liberal arts college, offering more than 25 bachelor’s degrees, four pre-professional programs, 19 master’s degrees programs, two doctorates and 10 post-baccalaureate certificates. Located in historic Frederick, near Washington, D.C., Baltimore and the I-270 technology corridor, Hood gives students access to countless internships and research opportunities.