NACU offers student-focused programs, including domestic study away and an agreement with the Washington Internship Institute.
In addition to the programs listed below, NACU has a learning community for staff and faculty who work in study away programs on their campuses. Our global study learning community consists of study abroad and off-campus program directors at our campuses. The group email address is If you would like a copy of the directory or would like to be added to this group, please contact Michelle Apuzzio.
NACU Study Away allows students from one NACU campus to study at another NACU campus. Some campuses offer specific programs known as Signature Experiences that take advantage of their locations or unique expertise.
The student pays his/her regular tuition to his/her home campus so that the financial aid package remains intact. The student pays room and board (if applicable), as well as additional program fees, to the host campus.
To learn more about this program and/or to offer a Signature Experience, contact Michelle Apuzzio.
NACU can help campuses fill spots that would otherwise go unused in study abroad programs. If you have a semester-long or short-term program you’d like us to promote on your behalf, please send it to Michelle Apuzzio.
Washington Internship Institute
NACU has an agreement with the Washington Internship Institute that allows its campuses to receive a 10 percent discount on program costs for their students. Your campus needs to sign an MOU to receive the discount. Please contact Michelle Apuzzio for more information.