NACU Welcomes Simmons University

The New American Colleges and Universities (NACU) is pleased to announce that Simmons University in Boston, Mass., has joined the consortium. NACU is a trusted network that brings together progressive thinkers and innovative agents of change across higher education to share ideas and create unique opportunities for its campuses.
“We are enthusiastic that Simmons, once a longtime member of the consortium, will again be part of our conversations and collaborations,” said Sean Creighton, NACU president. “Simmons embodies the NACU model of higher education that combines professional studies with a liberal arts foundation and civic engagement to graduate extraordinary civic-minded professionals.”
Simmons University is a private university, home to a respected women’s undergraduate program, as well as coeducational graduate programs in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, business, communications, social work, public health, and library and information science. Since its founding in 1899, Simmons’ raison d’etre has been to expand opportunities for women, forging fields that advance equity and justice locally and globally.
“We are excited to join NACU, an organization whose vision closely aligns with Simmons’ mission of providing transformative learning that combines passion with lifelong purpose,” said Dr. Lynn Perry Wooten, president of Simmons University. “At Simmons, students not only embark on a path to a successful career, they join a community that is committed to building a better world together. We look forward to collaborating with NACU on a variety of initiatives that will continue to enhance the student experience.”
NACU campuses are comprehensive colleges and universities that integrate liberal arts, professional programs, and civic engagement to prepare graduates for both careers and service as citizens in a global society. NACU embraces the legacy of Ernest Boyer who called for higher education and scholarship to be a service to society and who lauded institutions that recognized the importance of teaching. NACU campuses connect their students with their communities to ensure that students can apply classroom knowledge beyond the campus and understand their roles as responsible citizens.
About Simmons University
Located in the heart of Boston, Simmons is a respected private university offering more than 50 majors and programs for undergraduate women and graduate programs open to all on campus, in blended formats, or entirely online in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, business, communications, social work, public health, and library and information science. Founded in 1899, Simmons has established a model of higher education that other colleges and universities are only recently beginning to adapt: the combination of education for leadership in high-demand professional fields with the intellectual foundation of the liberal arts. The result is a Simmons graduate prepared not only to work, but to lead in professional, civic, and personal life — a vision of empowerment that Simmons calls preparation for life’s work. For more information, please visit Follow Simmons on Twitter at @SimmonsUniv, and on LinkedIn at