NACU Opens Registration for Summer Institute 2020
Workshop for Campus Leadership Teams will Focus on ROI
For its annual Summer Institute, The New American Colleges and Universities (NACU) will partner with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) for a program titled “The New Leadership Imperative: ROI Mindset for Mission and Financial Sustainability.” Leveraging NACUBO’s research on business models, the program will focus on employing return on investment (ROI) thinking to preserve mission and advance finances. The event designed for campus leadership teams will be held June 5 – 6 at the Hamilton Hotel in Washington, DC.
The Summer Institute is designed for teams that may include presidents, provosts, chief financial officers, and enrollment management officers. It would also be appropriate for associate vice president level administrators in academics and finance as well as budget and planning officers, admissions directors, and academic deans. The event is for NACU campuses only.
Leveraging the framework of NACUBO’s Economic Models Project, attendees will learn about and discuss strategies that have been or could be successfully implemented to grow or diversify revenue. Further, the workshop content will examine initiatives that are aligned with current trends in higher education and provide specific strategies that support mission and long-term financial sustainability. In addition, there will be time for each affinity group to have a community of practice discussion. Lastly, NACU will hold its summer board meeting in conjunction with the Summer Institute.
The deadline for campus team registration is Monday, May 11. Registration is $200 per person. Please register your campus team using this link or by contacting Michelle Apuzzio at For campus teams larger than five people or for questions about the hotel room block, please contact Michelle Apuzzio.
NACU thanks its partner, National Association of College and University Business Officers.