NACU Announces Digital Summer Institute
In partnership with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), NACU will deliver a series of modules to advance strategies for the future designed around the theme of The New Leadership Imperative: ROI Mindset for Mission and Financial Sustainability. The content is programmed for campus leadership teams (presidents, provosts, CFOs, VPs) and other emerging leaders at the institution.
The modules, which are free to NACU campuses, will be offered in both synchronous and asynchronous formats in May and June. The pre-recorded modules will include a set of strategic questions for leadership teams, and the live sessions will also be recorded for broader distribution at NACU campuses.
“NACU campuses have a 25-year tradition of candid conversations and a willingness to share openly and honestly with an eye toward mutually beneficial collaboration,” said Sean Creighton, NACU president. “We must use this moment in history as an opportunity to inspire innovation and strengthen our futures together. Collectively, we can create strategic collaborations that achieve unprecedented results and, ultimately, perpetuate the mission and financial health of our campuses.”
Recorded Module I: NACU Institutions in Today’s Context and the Case for Shifting Strategy Based on ROI (Released on May 18)
Data indicates there are several areas where NACU institutions should focus efforts for growth and revenue. This session explores ways to move your institution to a stronger financial model and build in practices based on return on investment thinking as campuses meet the needs of the changing populations and market.
Live Digital Session I: Collaboration and Economies of Scale to Relieve Pressures and Costs (May 27, 1 – 1:45 pm)
Many institutions are discussing potential economies of scale. This session will share successful partnerships as a framework for potential collaboration among NACU campuses and will discuss how to accelerate a process for moving from concept to execution.
Recorded Module II: Creating Infrastructure to Allow Lifelong Learning in Diverse Populations (Released on June 15)
All data suggests that while there will be a population seeking full-time traditional four-year experiences, more students will seek experiences that are less structured and allow for more flexibility. This session will introduce ideas for how a future state might look.
Live Digital Session II: Prioritization Process for Growth and Focus (June 24, 1 – 1:45 pm)
Each institution has opportunities for growth within its particular areas of strength. This session will explore growth within existing programs, a process for prioritizing growth, and a stronger economic model for your campus and in partnership with other NACU campuses.
All content will be facilitated by Jim Hundrieser, vice president for consulting services at NACUBO. NACU thanks its partner, NACUBO. Registration information will be sent directly to campuses. Access the event page.