NACU brings high-quality, expert-driving content to its campuses in an effort to improve academic outcomes and business performance while addressing challenges that they all face.
2022-23: Wellness Wednesdays Series
Since the pandemic began, mental health and employee well-being have become topics of concern in higher education. To address this issue, NACU is offering a free virtual series to all administrators, faculty, and staff at its campuses with an experienced health and wellness coach, Charles Inniss, DPT, NBC-HWC.
2021-22: Champions Series
NACU featured authors during its 2021-22 Champions Series. Speakers included Isabel Wilkerson, Jennifer Eberhardt, Roosevelt Montás, and Eboo Patel.
2020-21: Champions Series
To commemorate its 25th anniversary year, the NACU Champions Series featured thought leaders that demonstrate the equity and justice mission of higher education and have improved countless lives through their teaching, scholarship, and leadership. Speakers included Beverly Daniel Tatum, José Antonio Bowen, Freeman Hrabowski, and Cathy Davidson.
2019-20: LIFT Series
The Leadership Innovation and Future Trends (LIFT) series focused on current challenges and opportunities in higher education with guest speakers from Applied Policy Research and Academic Innovators as well as global higher education expert, Rahul Choudaha, and professor and author, Paula Vene Smith.