LIFT webinars

Leadership Innovation and Future Trends (LIFT) webinars focus on current challenges and opportunities in higher education. These expert-led webinars are geared mostly toward presidents and senior leadership teams but anyone in NACU may participate.

LIFT webinars (and their registration links) are publicized via the NACU member newsletter and email.

The LIFT archive is available and accessible to NACU campuses only.

Contact Michelle Apuzzio for access to any of the recordings.

2019-20 LIFT Webinar Series

The Big Forecast

Bill Hall & Brad Griesbach, Applied Policy Research

September 25, 2019

This webinar focused on the balance between enrollment and revenue goals of the institution, confronting the willingness to pay in a changing student population. 

Plans for Creating a Sustainable Future

Brian Mitchell & Rick Gaumer, Academic Innovators

October 24, 2019

This webinar addressed the existential crisis for many higher education institutions who are increasingly unable to offer a quality academic program financed heavily by tuition revenue. The presenters offered best practices to become more sustainable, as they reflected on the current merger, closure, sale and acquisition discussions across the country and their impact on higher education.


Aligning Trends and Strategies for Sustainable International Enrollment

Rahul Choudaha, global higher education expert

January 30, 2020

This webinar examined the key trends influencing mobility patterns and choices of international students to help universities determine how they can shape international enrollment and engagement in times of intensifying global competition. 


Purposeful Risk in Academic Leadership

Paula Vene Smith, author of “Engaging Risk, A Guide for College Leaders”

February 27, 2020

Leveraging her experience directing the Purposeful Risk Engagement Project at Grinnell College, Paula Vene Smith will address risk management in higher education, including how academic program management fits within a wider framework of institutional risks.